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  • »GarryChill« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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My husband and I have been trying for about three years. not like actively trying and counting days till ovulation. At first we were simply doing nothing to prevent pregnancy, but after 2 years decided it was time to have a baby and started doing nothing more actively. And during the latest six month we have been having sex on the right days and counted when ovulation is supposed to take place, but all our efforts were in vain. Then I went to a doctor and after a set of different tests and examinations he diagnosed me with polycystic ovarian syndrome. He put me on Clomid, I carefully observed the instructions and regimen and in a month we got pregnant with our wonderful baby boy! Now he's already 4 months old and we adore him. This happiness is due to Clomid and we are grateful to the medication and the people who invented it.

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