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Mittwoch, 7. November 2018, 09:26

Von bears123

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Fowler Jersey
, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Ten of thousands of Chinese
Americans marched across the Brooklyn Bridge on Sunday, calling for fair and
just trial of Peter Liang, the NYPD officer who fired a fatal shooting of the
black man Akai Gurley.

Liang, a 27-year-old with only a year and a half on the job, is accused of
shooting dead Gurley, 28 Anaheim Ducks
, in a dark stairwell in Brooklyn's East New York housing
project where the officer and his partner went for a patrol due to reports of
spiked violent crimes.

According to prosecutors, the stairwell was completely dark when Liang's
ricocheted bullet struck the chest of Gurley, who made two flights of stairs
before collapsing.

On Feb. 10, a Brooklyn grand jury indicted Liang on six counts, including
manslaughter which could lead to up to 15 years in prison.

A hearing will be held for the case in about two weeks, and the Chinese
Americans decided to go to the streets to express support for Liang Cheap
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, according to Brooklyn Asian Communities
Empowerment Chairman Shanzhuang Chen.

"Today, we're going to march across the landmark Brooklyn Bridge in New York,
in a bid to make American society aware of that Chinese Americans are not
mutes," he said.

John Liu, previous comptroller of New York City, pointed out that Chinese
Americans are part of the American society Sweden Hockey
, but hundreds of years passed since they came, they are
still taken as foreigners. The unfair charge revealed the double standard of

The immigrants come to the U.S. to pursue their American dream for a better
life. But the unfair treatment to Chinese Americans is injustice for everyone
here, the New York State Assembly Member William Colton said at the gathering.

The demonstrators holding high the banners "seeking justice for Peter Liang",
"discharge accidentally of the gunshot doesn't equal to crime" , and shouting
slogans, marched to the final destination of Chinatown in Manhattan.

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