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Freitag, 18. Mai 2018, 03:51

Von bears123

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Jordan 1 Release 2017
, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- Two Kenyan brothers, who
set world records in ball juggling, have bemoaned lack of interest among Kenyans
in tapping their talent to catapult them to loftier heights.

Kenneth Yoga, 38, and his younger brother Willis Yoga set new world marks on
Nov. 28, 2008 that saw their names entered into the Guinness Book of World
Records after they were ratified.

Kenneth ran away with the world record by juggling a ball on a moving
motorbike uninterrupted for 25 minutes 53 seconds, covering a distance of 7.595
kilometers in the process.

The average speed was calculated at 3.361kmh. The previous record was held by
an unnamed individual who barely covered a kilometer.

Willis Jordan 1
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, then aged 23, achieved the feat of heading a ball
for four hours 30 minutes in a seated position during which he registered 41,900

The preceding record was held by one Achim Agushi of Kosovo whose mark was
four hours two minutes and one second.

Kenneth decried the trend in the country where it is common to give
struggling talent a wide berth and generate interest only when people make it

"Talent should be appreciated and nurtured as it unfolds. We are however
happy to be world record holders despite not registering on anyone's radar
locally," said Kenneth.

The siblings are sons of the late former Kenyan football sensation George
Best Yoga, who played for Kenyan national team, Harambee Stars and reigning
local champions Gor Mahia between 1974 and 1984.

The Yoga brothers, who are without a job Discount
Mens Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Wheat Golden Harvest
, had been on
a 17-year training program with only one objective, finding room for their names
in the coveted book.

Before achieving their dreams, pundits considered the feat as unfeasible,
apparently due to Kenya's relative inferiority in the world of football where
they squat at the near bottom of FIFA rankings.

Previously, world records were a preserve of Kenyan track legends like Henry
Rono, John Ngugi, Noah Ngeny ,
Julius Kariuki, Moses Kiptanui, Paul Tergat and Tegla Loroupe, just to mention
but a few, who have all registered their names in the Guinness Book of World

The brothers began their exploits en-route to history on a sunny morning at
Parklands Sports Club in Nairobi in the presence of three FIFA referees, David
Wakuzi, Thomas Onyango and Crispin Oduor were all resplendent in full uniform to
ensure that every regulation was followed and to authenticate the event as the
brothers battled to get a Guinness status in ball juggling.

Phineas Kimathi Air Jordan 1 Retro
, Kenyan motor rally ace who sponsored the event through his
hospitality outlet says he answered the Yoga brothers call when they expressed
their desire to attempt their respective undertakings.

"I did not think twice, but immediately developed a plan-of-action to assist
them achieve what their hearts desired. I took over the duty of finding for them
a training venue and catering for their meals and milk and other related costs
for one month as they prepared for their world record breaking attempts," said

He says there are many ways that the talent of the Yoga brothers can be put
to good use by Kenyans, pointing out that their ball-juggling antics can be
incorporated in programs during public events to spice up occasions as well as
to break monotony in entertainment.

"I do not know who to blame, but these young men should be assisted in any
way to take them to loftier heights. In other countries they would be national
assets to the state and I don't want to imagine what their bank accounts would
look like."

MUNICH, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- German car producer BMW Group reported profit
surge in the second quarter and the first half of 2014 here on Tuesday.

The Munich-based Group's revenues increased in the second quarter by 1.8
percent to reach 19.9 billion euros (26.6 billion dollars). And its net profit
climbed 27.2 percent to 1.77 billion euros, according to the statistics released
by BMW.

Meanwhile Air Jordan 1 High OG
, the revenues for BMW in the first half year rose
year-on-year by 2.8 percent to 38.14 billion euros, and the net profit increased
by 19.6 percent to 3.23 billion euros.

The total number of BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brand cars delivered to
customers worldwide increased by 5.3 percent to a new record of 533,187 units in
the second quarter. The first-half year sales volume came to 1.02 million units,
marking the first time that BMW have sold more than one million vehicles in a
half year.

"The BMW Group increased sales volume, revenues and Group earnings in both
the second quarter and the six-month reporting periods, continuing the
successful development of our business Air
Jordan 1 High Wheat
," said Norbert Reithofer, chairman of the
board of management.

"We are on track to achieve our targets for the full year," Reithofer said.

At the same time, Motorcycles' sales volume for the half-year period
increased by 9.3 percent to 70,978 units, recording the best six-month period in
its 90-year history of motorcycle manufacturing.

by Xia Xiao

LONDON, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Transition Air Jordan 1 Wheat Pre
, a British rock band, this month launched their music
carnival tour in 21 cities across the Chinese mainland.

The three-people band, known as Qianjin Band in Chinese, have already rocked
stages in Wuhan and Chongqing with cities such as Shenzhen, Wenzhou, Dalian,
Handan and Hohhot next in their line-up.

This is their second tour on the Chinese mainland Air Jordan 1 Wheat For
, having performed in ten cities last year.

One reason why they're increasingly popular is because while they are
British, they sing songs in Chinese.

Set up in 1997, the band went to China's Taiwan in 2005 to develop their
music career. "Before we went to Taiwan, we hardly had any knowledge about the
place. We only remembered having toys in childhood labeled 'Made in Taiwan,'"
said Josh Edbrooke, one of the band members.

While the band received good feedback for their English song. Jerseys
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