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Donnerstag, 22. März 2018, 01:47

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LONDON nike air max tn
, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese dance drama Silk Road made its
debut on Saturday night in London, bringing oriental artistic experience for
British audiences.

The 34-year-old drama was performed by Gansu Dance Drama and Opera Ensemble
on Saturday in the Peacock Theatre of the Sadler's Wells group, Britain's
leading dance house. Another two shows will be given in London and Manchester
from Saturday to Sunday.

Inspired by the landscape of northwest China's Silk Road and the early
Dunhuang Frescoes and performed by a 47-strong ensemble, the drama depicts a
story of peace and friendship between Chinese merchants and foreign traders.

Set in the Sanwei Mountain, a place blessed with thousands of Buddhas and lit
by holy lights air max tn mujer
, the performance follows a painter's daughter who is
kidnapped after they help save the life of a Persian businessman on the Silk

Liz Whiu, took her family to watch the drama said the drama was strongly

"The Chinese drama is fundamentally the same with the British, just with
different characters. But the different characterizations bring different
culture. It's very difficult to say what's the most enjoyable part, I'm just
following the story, and the choreography and music are very well nike air max
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, and the contrast of the different elements and
different move are very interesting," she said.

John M Cruickshank, a local lawyer, said the drama is colorful. "It seems
familiar, as the theme of the story is not just Chinese air max tn
, but universal."

Silk Road has been performed in 30 countries and regions and 400 cities to
audiences of more than 4 million since it was created in 1979. It was adapted
into a film in 1982.

LUSAKA, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) -- At least 20 people have died of cholera in the
Zambian capital of Lusaka since the outbreak of the waterborne disease in the
country in October, health authorities said on Saturday.

Twenty-nine new cases of cholera were reported on Wednesday, bringing the
total number of infections to 760 since the outbreak of the disease in Zambia,
the Ministry of Health said.

Only 57 patients are currently receiving treatment in hospitals although most
of them have already been treated and discharged air max tn
, said Stanslous Ngosa, head of the Communications and
External Relations in the ministry.

Ngosa added that the ministry has continued with control measures aimed at
preventing the spread of the disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the further spread of the
waterborne disease with the coming of the rainy season.

The health ministry, in collaboration with other departments, has banned the
sale of ready-to-eat foodstuffs on the streets in an effort to curb the

Cholera mainly occurred in the densely populated slums in Chipata and Kanyama
sub-districts of Zambia while isolated cases have also been reported in other
parts of the country.

NEW DELHI, April 27 (Xinhua) -- At least seven people were killed and 15
others injured Wednesday after a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder exploded
while preparing food during a marriage party in north Indian state of Uttar
Pradesh, police said.

The blast took place at Rafipur Tera Khurd village of Bara Banki district, 33
km east of Lucknow city, the capital of Uttar Pradesh.

"Two women and five children were killed, and fifteen others injured in a LPG
cylinder blast here," a police official posted in Bara Banki said. "The fatal
incident happened when a gas cylinder caught fire and blasted while food was
being prepared for a feast in a marriage ceremony."

According to officials, the injured were immediately rushed to hospital in
Lucknow, where condition of two was declared to be critical.

Reports said the surrounding houses also caught fire because of cylinder
blast resulting in loss of property.

Tourists visit the Huangguoshu waterfall in Anshun City, southwest China's
Guizhou Province air max tn
, Oct. 2, 2017. From Oct. 1 to 8, the eight-day National Day
and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, around 710 million tourist trips will be made
across China, according to predictions by China National Tourism Administration.
(XinhuaChen Xi)

BEIJING air max 97
, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- With millions of Chinese visiting
tourist sites and shops at home and abroad during the October "Golden Week",
their consumption power shows that tourism is one sector that China, as well as
the world, could look to for more economic benefits.

In the first two days of the National Day holiday which runs from Oct. 1 to
8, China has reported double-digit growth in tourism revenue.

Some 114 million tourists spent 94 billion yuan (about 14 billion U.S.
dollars) on Monday alone air max 97
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, up 9.9 percent and 10.9 percent respectively from
the same day last year, according to data from the China National Tourism
Administration (CNTA).

The previous day tourism income of 96.5 billion yuan was posted by 113
million domestic tourists, up 12.2 percent and 10.5 percent year on year,

Most Chinese have chosen to indulge in food, cultural and rural tourism this
year. Theme parks air max 97
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, museums and traditional culture streets have also
seen an obvious growth in the number of visitors, according to the CNTA.

One of China's two "Golden Weeks", the National Day holiday sees a surge in
passenger flows, tourist revenue and retail sales. This year it has been
extended by one day as the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on Oct.4.

Travel demand appears to be stronger this year, possibly because the
Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion.

China Railway Corporation said that more than 15 million passenger trips were
made on Sunday air max 97
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, the first day of the eight-day holiday, a
new record high compared to 14.4 million trips made on the same day last year.

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