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Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2020, 10:01

Von ylq

t. There is a li

Marlboro is a cigarette brand manufactured by Philip Morris, the world's largest tobacco company. The IQOS cartridges of his product also have different flavors. Recently, many IQOS fellows have asked "Which flavor is better? ". After a long discussion, everyone found that the taste of the cartridge is still vague, so I evaluated the taste of the Marlboro cartridge. To share with you. 1. Marlboro concentrated original flavor IQOS smoke bomb taste evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine flavor evaluations does not have a faint scent Wholesale Cigarettes. It is indeed a little stronger than the light original, but it is a little bit. It is very close to the taste and sensation of real smoke. If you suck it into your throat, you will feel a slight impact. That is the feeling of real tobacco. If you want to quit smoking, this taste is not recommended, because it may make you forget to smoke e-cigarettes and continue to smoke. Second, Marlboro light original
IQOS smoke bomb taste evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine taste evaluations have a light but obvious aroma, which is stronger than the mixed smoke and much lighter than the flue-cured tobacco. Soft but without losing the smell of tobacco, the smooth taste is very pleasant. Although it is not as intense as flue-cured tobacco, it is enough for people to accept this fresh taste. Summarized in the simplest two words: easy to smoke. 3. Marlboro Thick Peppermint IQOS Cigarette Flavor Evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine flavor evaluations is a big summary. It is indeed very strong. The thick mint flavor is very cool. Slightly cooler. If you take a hard breath, your tongue will be slightly irritated, and then your lips and teeth will stay cool, and will not dissipate for a long time, but will not leave a bitter taste. 4. Marlboro Light Mint IQOS Cigarette Flavor Evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine taste evaluations summary. Light mint is really like the traditional "cold smoke", with a softer taste and no bitter taste in the mouth. It can be said that it is more friendly. There will also be a cool feeling in the mouth, in addition to the smell of cool smoke, it also retains the taste of "true smoke". I think it is more suitable for young people, not for "old smoke gun". 5. Marlboro Blueberry Flavor IQOS Cigarette Flavor Evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine flavor evaluations is very cool Cigarettes For Sale, too cold! Cooler than thick mint! It is actually the coolest of all iQOS cartridges. It's almost the same as the taste of squeezing the beads. Careful tasting, there will be a little bitter taste. There will be a cool feeling in the mouth. However, the blueberry flavor is very weak, and it cannot be completely called blueberry flavor. If you like to taste particularly cold and cold, do not choose thick mint, choose blueberry flavor! Sixth, Marlboro nut-flavored IQOS cigarette bomb flavor evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine flavor evaluations has no nut flavor at first, and the taste is relatively ordinary. My personal feeling is "compared with chicken ribs", just like smoking slightly lighter ordinary flue-cured tobacco. If you try hard, you will get a very slight fragrance. Seven, Marlboro lime flavor IQOS smoke bomb taste evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine taste evaluation big summary is also known as citrus mint, citrus lemon. Green lemon is also a mint base, which belongs to the mint cool smoke. The coolness is somewhere between thick mint and light mint. The coolness is moderate. Everyone is easier to adapt. There is a light citrus lemon fragrance at the entrance. The overall taste is fresh and refreshing. Personally feel that it is more refreshing than blueberries, smokers who like mint cool smoke can try eight, Marlboro Moka flavor IQOS cigarette bomb taste evaluation Japanese version of Marlboro nine taste evaluation big summary special like strong original flavor Cigarettes Online, but smoking a bomb like drinking coffee I feel that friends who like coffee must love this one. Nine, Marlboro Orange Flavor IQOS Cigarette Flavor Evaluation The Japanese version of Marlboro's nine flavor evaluations summarizes the light original taste, the orange flavor makes people feel the fragrance of the entrance, smooth and good taste, it is worth a try. Taste this stuff, radish cabbage has its own love, everyone's sense of smell and taste will not be exactly the same.
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