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Freitag, 13. Juli 2018, 02:13

Von xiaolan

ready to go World Cup crazy again

Put out more flags. Remove the creases from your St George’s Cross jester’s hat. Prepare to launch a pint of lukewarm lager towards the ceiling. England are ready to go again. On Wednesday night Gareth Southgate’s team will walk out at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow to play England’s first World Cup semi-final in 28 years. Their opponents Croatia are ranked six places lower by Fifa. For Southgate and his players a moment of rare sporting crisis awaits. If the last few days have been marked by a feeling of gathering English hysteria, not to mention booze-sodden escapism as the rest of the country energetically falls to bits, then it is worth noting these moments don’t come around very often. The last time England got this far was Italia 90, when Margaret Thatcher was still in power, Jeremy Corbyn was in court for not paying the poll tax and England fans in Turin had to phone long distance from a call-box to have any idea what was going on back home. Should they get past Croatia Southgate’s players will return to Moscow on Sunday for what would be England’s first world Cup final since 1966 and all that: an event so jealously seared into popular culture – the Empire Stadium, Nobby dancing, Bobby Moore wiping his hands before shaking the Queen’s white glove – it seems almost an act of heresy to think about matching it. Win or lose the most remarkable part of England’s run in Russia is the sense of shared public affection. Through four weeks in Russia, from Volgograd to Samara, the players have emerged as a hugely likeable crew and a flattering reflection of the country at large – clever, diligent, funny, and agreeably diverse in their backgrounds. Plus of course there is Southgate, who in the last few weeks has seemed at times like the only person left in charge of anything who looks like he actually knows what he’s doing. On Tuesday afternoon it was standing room only for the manager’s last public appearance before the final, the air in the Luzhniki press room thick with excitement, event-glamour and the effects of four weeks on the road with minimal laundry opportunities. Cameras whirred, necks craned. Somebody fell over at the back. And finally there he was, the great Gareth. And yes it is just Gareth now: role model, dreamboat and all-round sun king of Russia 2018. Gareth wasn’t wearing his waistcoat here, or his “sleeveless suit staple” as one newswire report put Nick Bonino Youth jersey it at the weekend, ever-fearful of using the same word twice. With the sleeveless suit staple rested Gareth was casual in a black and blue sports top, drawing a hush as an urgent first question was posed from the floor about the rubber chicken England’s players had been pictured chucking around in training. “It was jut a bit of fun,” Gareth explained, as three hundred pairs Steve Bartkowski Youth jersey of fingers whirred at his every prompt. Nobody expected any…TJ+JONES+JERSEYof this. Perhaps that’s why it feels so glorious. England weren’t supposed to win a penalty shootout or get to http://www.bruinsofficialauthenticshop.c…l_Jersey_Adidasthe last four of a World Cup. We weren’t supposed to adore the players, presented for so long as a coterie of gloweringly entitled star athletes. Southgate wasn’t even supposed to be England manager, stepping up from the youth teams when Sam Allardyce was sacked after a newspaper sting that revealed little of interest beyond the fact the England manager had sat in a restaurant drinking a pint Authentic Corey Knebel Jersey of wine. Southgate was given a humiliating four-match trial period. His first public words in the job were an apology. And in his early days he still resembled a slightly doomed supply teacher who listens and makes the class like him but still gets home to find his pockets have been filled with custard. wholesale jerseyswholesale nfl jerseys from china cheap nfl jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys cheap jerseys cheap jerseys