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  • »TonyT11940« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1

Wohnort: Carcassonne, France

Beruf: study Law

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Sonntag, 12. November 2017, 10:03

Mango Leaves: Herbal Doctor Recommends For Treatment Of Ailments

An Abuja based herbal doctor, Dr Bamidele Joshua said the consumption of mango leaves helps in the treatment of kidney and gall stones among others.

He told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Abuja that consumption of mango leaves also helps in the treatment of many health conditions.

According to him, Mango leaves contain vitamins C, A and B as well as vital minerals such as Copper, Potassium and Magnesium.

He explained that the leaves could be boiled to be taken as water or dried into powder form to be used in any food or drink.

Joshua added that for medicinal purposes, the use of young and tender leaves was best for optimal benefits.

The expert noted that the consumption of the leaves helps prevent and regulate diabetes, lowers blood pressure, fights restlessness and stops hiccups.

"Mango leaves are very useful for managing diabetes. The tender leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanidins that may help in treating early diabetes.

"Soak the leaves in a cup of water overnight, strain and drink this water to help relieve the symptoms of diabetes. It also helps in treating hyperglycemia.

"Mango leaves also help to lower blood pressure as they have hypotensive properties that helps in strengthening the blood vessels and treat the problem of varicose veins.

"People suffering from restlessness due to anxiety, should add few mango leaves to their bathing water. This helps in relaxing and refreshing the body.

"Daily intake of a finely grounded powder of mango leaves with water kept in a tumbler overnight helps in breaking kidney and gall bladder stones as well flush them out.

"Put some mango leaves in warm water, close the container with a lid, and leave it overnight. Next morning filter the water and drink this concoction on an empty stomach.

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