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Freitag, 13. Oktober 2017, 10:16

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Custom-made Koozies - A Must in Summertime Bob Kramer

Submitted 2014-03-28 15:12:45 Here comes the sunlight and everybody is
waiting for the first of June - we all like those incredibly hot days when you
are able enjoy ice-cream with no fear of getting ill. We all love summer months
as it brings us so many positive sensations - beautiful colors and torrid
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, girls wearing short-skirts and romantic gowns. It
seems like there is nothing a lot better than the summer months, however every
season has its bad points. There is no need to worry for those, who live by the
ocean, however people today, residing in the city where it really is difficult
to find a tree, understand the terrible situation they need to deal with every
the summer months. Hot air, heated asphalt that nearly starts melting in the
afternoon - all of these can spoil your the summer months and turn it into a
mess. When you get out of your house, you got to have a big arsenal, which can
help you deal with all the struggles. The vital thing you should think of is
your sunscreen - sun light are extremely damaging and can trigger severe skin
disease, because of this we also advise you wearing hats made from natural
materials. The other thing you will need is a bottle of water - cooled h2o,
clearly. Personalized Koozies can make it simple to maintain the ideal temp for
a long period.

Whenever you head out for a walk or for a bike ride, a
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, helps maintain your drinks cool - it is just like
carrying a fridge with you! The cool thing is that it may conveniently fit any
kind of bottle; it weighs as much as a feather and requires no additional place!
Just insert the bottle in the Koozie and you'll always have a cold beverage to
satisfy your thirst. Actually, customized Koozies could also be used in winter,
when you don't want to carry a weighty thermos with you.

Koozies are definitely more than just helpful accessories, these look incredible
and eye-catching. If you wish to get a customized Koozie for yourself or for
your children, you are welcomed to http:trueimprint. We offer best price ranges
and top quality items - your beer will never get warm with this one! Buy a beer,
place it in the Koozie and enjoy your cooling drink for a long time! You can
forget about the scary thirst - your small helper will be at hand. Author Resource:- For more information about
koozies personalized visit our wevsite.
Article From Article Directory
Database How Mobile Marketing Can Be Beneficial To Your Business How Mobile
Marketing Can Be Beneficial To Your Business June 3, 2012 | Author: Joe
Maldonado | Posted in Marketing
If you can manage to get into mobile marketing it can be highly beneficial
for your business. This is because the number of people that are using mobile
devices and mobile web applications is rapidly growing. Adding this type of
marketing to your other efforts is a sound business decision that you should
strongly consider making.

It is vital and necessary for any business to stay current with how customers
go about finding their products and services, and you must take note of any
current trends. Today, the most popular trend is the use of SMART phones.
Everywhere you go these days, anytime you turn your head, you are going to see
people with cell phones in their hands. However, you must be aware of the fact
that these phones are no longer being used just for calling and text messaging.
As a matter of fact, cell phones are now being used for marketing on a regular

People used to use desktop computers and laptops to find virtually anything
online. These days Cheap
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, things have changed. Now people are using
their SMART phones more often than anything else for search purposes as well as
communication. The main reason why mobile marketing is so successful is to the
sheer volume of times in which people access their phones every day. This is
actually a huge market, since there are nearly 4 billion mobile users worldwide,
with 27% of them being SMRT phone users.

When you look at it this way, it is easy to see how profitable this method of
marketing can be. Especially when you take into account how many more people are
beginning to use mobile internet, and half of them use their SMART phones to do
local searches. So in essence, you can equate mobile searches with local
searches. When you think of it in these terms it becomes easy to see that
through marketing this way you would be able to get these mobile users to find
your business when they are seeking you out.

On the other hand, a great way to get your message across to your customers
very quickly is through text messaging. When you compare this type of marketing
with email marketing, there is no contest. Text messages have a much higher open
rate than emails do. Open rate means the amount of time that it takes for your
message to reach the targeted client.

There is only a 20% open rate with email marketing. This is in comparison to
an astounding 90% open rate when you advertise through a mobile device.
Basically, from the time your message is sent, it will be read within 4 minutes.
This is much better than the average of several hours if you choose to send your
message as an email. The reason for this difference in open rates is because
most people tend to have their mobile phones with them at all times throughout
the day. This allows you to get your advertising message across to people in a
matter of minutes. With all of this taken into account, it is
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