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  • RobertNogu


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  • The Ondo State Attorney General and Commissioner for
    Justice, Adekola Olawoye, has called on the Nigerian Army to be fair and civil in its treatment of civilians.

    gov.ukHe made the call while addressing the Brigade Commander of the
    32 Artillery Brigade, Akure, James Ataguba, on Wednesday.

    "I am appealing that the army should be civil in dealing with civilians whenever they err," he said.

    The commissioner pledged to forge cordiality between his ministry and the military formation in order to support the army in discharging its duties.

    Mr. Olawoye commended the brigade’s efforts in providing adequate security in the state, saying
    that the ministry of justice would collaborate with the army towards checking acts of lawlessness including terrorism, ritual killings, kidnapping
    and the herdsmen attack in the state.

    He said the Ministry of Justice had the responsibility to ensure the protection of lives within the ambits of the
    law, adding that some of the laws in the state were due for review.

    In his remarks, Mr. Ataguba, a brigadier general, said that soldiers were not expected to brutalise the populace.

    chevron.comHe also said people needed to properly understand and commend the constitutional role of the army in the society.

    "Sometimes, there are misconceptions and misunderstandings of Nigerian Army’s vital roles,"
    Mr. Ataguba said.

    "I should say this, that soldiers are not on roads to brutalise but to ensure that safety is guaranteed. But by this visit, we are glad that you will understand our operations and our roles.

    Have a look at my web blog ... Yohaig

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