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  • A Non-Governmental Organization has filed a suit in a London court against Shell
    Nigeria Exploration & Production Company, SNEPCO, over a
    2011 oil spill in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region.

    ecowas.intThe NGO,
    the Oil Spills Victims Vanguard,
    filed the case on September 21 at the TTC High Court of Justice, London,
    on behalf of the victims of the Bonga oil spill.

    The spill, said to have been caused by an operational error on the
    part of SNEPCO, had about 40,000 barrels of crude oil discharged into the
    Atlantic Ocean, and affected at least 350 communities in Delta
    and Bayelsa states.

    "The pollution from this discharge which covered a distance of 185 kilometers along the Nigeria coastline compelled fishermen to desert the sea and the polluted farmlands," the
    group said.

    About 168,000 people were said to have been affected directly by the spill.

    Royal Dutch Shell PLC, which is a parent company to SNEPCO, is joined as a co-defendant in the case.

    forbes.comHarrison Jalla, the Executive Director of the Oil Spills Victims Vanguard,
    is the lead plaintiff in the case.

    Mr. Jalla, in a press statement, said SNEPCO has "completely refused"
    to pay the $5 billion fine imposed on it by the Nigerian government."

    Mr. Jalla said his NGO wants to use the court case to compel Shell to pay compensation to the victims and the affected communities, as well as clean up the environment.

    Stop by my blog post Yohaig

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