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  • ArlenRust1


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Über mich

  • Four people were lightly
    Saturday morning in the southern German city of Munich by a
    man wielding a knife who fled the scene, said police, adding possible motives
    were unknown.

    ecowas.intThe man attacked passersby in five places near Rosenheimer Platz in the eastern part
    of the city centre at around 0630 GMT, inflicting "light" injuries on four people, a police spokesman told AFP.

    The perpetrator of the attack "is still on the run",
    the local police said on their Twitter account, where they also called on residents
    to stay inside.

    It added "no life threatening injuries" were suffered by the

    Local police described the perpetrator of the attack as a man in his forties, wearing grey pants and a running jacket, who
    fled on a black bicycle. He was also carrying a backpack and a camping bed roll.

    go.commy website: Yohaig

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