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  • AlexisBrad


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  • The Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has said it
    would not accept the selection of candidates who are professors for appointment as rector of the institution.

    france24.comThe union made its
    stand known at a press conference last Wednesday held at the Yusuf Grillo Auditorium.

    Zonal Coordinator, ASUP Zone C Southwest, Mr. Olawale Omobarun accused the institution’s Governing Council
    of including professors on the list of candidates shortlisted for the position which will become vacant next month when Dr Kudirat Ladipo’s second tenure of
    four years expires.

    Omobarun said the union already had an agreement with
    the Federal Government that polytechnics will be headed
    by qualified chief lecturers and not professors, so their
    careers would not be truncated by outsiders.

    He said ASUP would use all legal means will definitely stand
    against professors assuming the post of the rector in polytechnic (YABATECH).

    The coordinator said the criteria for the position was drafted from the condition of service of the polytechnic in July 2017 -
    with qualities, qualification and method of application stating
    that applicants must be chief lectures from polytechnics with five years experience.

    nationalgeographic.comHe complained that the
    entire process was shrouded in secrecy such that members of the polytechnic community did not know the list of those shortlisted
    for the interview and only found out late that their members who were qualified
    were not short listed.

    "Of what use is the advert if the governing council can ignore it and shortlist professors? This is what concerns our union and why the national body directed the zonal coordinator to address the press on this subject matter and clearly state our position".

    ASUP Chairman, YABATECH, Comrade Adeyemi Aromalaran accused
    the governing council of going outside the criteria dictated in their advertorial, because no place
    gives a professor the chance to apply, which is a violation of
    the condition they set themselves.

    "Are they saying that out of the entire polytechnics in Nigeria we cannot have a credible chief lecturer, any policy that retards our career in the polytechnic, we are saying no to it. Why should I invest my life in a particular career that cannot take me to the peak of that career?".

    "We have been informed that the sitting rector has vested interest in all of these misgivings by appreciating her supervisor for a PhD programme at the expense of the lives of others. We are telling the Federal Government that if this process continues and a professor is named as the rector of YABATECH, the union will do everything within legal means to stop it.

    my web blog - Yohaig

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