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  • CassieGree


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  • chevron.comThe Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has named consumers as the driving force behind
    the phenomenal growth and development recorded in the nation’s telecommunication sector.

    Speaking at the fifth zonal NCC Consumer Conversation Forum
    in Minna, Niger State, the commission’s head of zonal
    operation, Ms Helen Obi, said the commission in recognition of consumers’ role in the
    development of the sector declared year 2017 as NCC Year of the Telecom Consumer with the
    aim of protecting consumers’ interests and ensuring they
    get value for service.

    She said: "The commission which is the independent regulatory authority for the telecommunications industry in Nigeria declared year 2017 as NCC year of the telecom consumer in recognition of the importance of the consumer to the phenomenal growth and development in the telecoms sector.

    "The year of telecom consumer, which was formally launched by NCC Executive Vice
    Chairman/CEO, Danbatta, is in tandem with the 8-point agenda of the commission aimed
    to protect, educate, and empower consumers towards ensuring sustainable growth and further development in the telecom

    According to her, "the consumer conversation is designed to educate and inform consumers about their rights and privileges with their telecom service providers. It is also an avenue to bring the commission’s activities closer to the consumers at the grassroots."

    She added that the commission articulated four strategic initiatives as
    key drivers of the consumer conversation which included activation of the Do-Not-Disturb (DND) service across all telecom networks.

    "This service enables the consumer to stop receiving unwanted and unsolicited messages from telecom operators. A consumer is expected to send ‘STOP’ to 2442, if he/she intends to stop receiving all forms of text messages and to send ‘HELP’ to 2442 to be availed with all the options on areas of interest which the subscriber may wish to receive text messages," she added.

    The zonal head also urged consumers to feel free to use NCC toll
    free line 622 which enables them to report complaints pertaining to unresolved issues with
    their service providers, citing other commission’s areas of concentration as improving Quality of Service to reduce drop calls, poor reception and other telecom shortcomings.

    reliefweb.intShe assured that the commission monitors and regulates QoS
    of mobile network operators (MNOs) regularly through key performance
    indicators (KPI) to ensure they have requisite infrastructure and skilled manpower to give consumers the
    best service at all times.

    She further educated consumers at the forum on electromagnetic fields
    (EMF) radiation, stressing that telecom masts pose no health risk
    to those living around where it is stationed.

    She also urged them to help in safeguarding base station equipment from vandals, adding vandalisation of telecom equipment invariably affects QoS.

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