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  • theguardian.comThe National
    Judicial council, NJC, has condemned the report by the United Nations
    Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) in conjunction with the National Bureau
    of Statistics (NBS) alleging that N400 billion was paid as
    bribe to public official in the last one year?.

    In the report, Nigerian judges were said to be the second highest bribe takers after the police.

    According to a statement by
    the director of Information, Mr Soji Oye, the NJC finds the allegation, unfortunate, subjective and speculative.

    Oye said, "The Judiciary finds the conclusion of the organisations not only subjective but speculative.

    "There is no denial of the fact that there are few bad
    in the judiciary, like in every other arm of Government; at the same time, there are many honest and hardworking Judicial Officers and Magistrates
    making the Judiciary and the country proud."The question that should agitate the minds of the people
    is the criteria used by the UNODC and the NBS to measure the level of bribe taking in the Judiciary to grade
    it as the second largest receiver of bribe. For instance, what is the percentage of Judges caught receiving bribe out of a total number of One Thousand and Fifty-Nine
    Judges in both the Federal and State Judiciaries?

    Feel free to surf to my blog; Yohaig

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