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  • britannica.comOdunade held that the couple had refused
    to be pacified and he consequently terminated the union in the interest of peace and order.

    "Temitope is awarded custody of the two children produced by the union, while Elijah is directed to pay a monthly feeding allowance of N8,000 for the upkeep of the children.

    "This is in addition to being responsible for their education and other welfare
    needs," he said.

    Earlier, Temitope, who resides at Imalefalafia area of Ibadan, had described her husband as a womaniser who had no regard for the sacredness of the marriage institution.

    "My Lord, Elijah is deeply engrossed in infidelity because he brings his concubines
    to our matrimonial home every now then and even takes them to
    our matrimonial bed without any respect for me.

    "Besides, Elijah often beats me at the slightest mistake.

    "In fact, he is too troublesome and highly irresponsible.

    " That is a part of what I have been facing in addition to frequently starving the children and I.">"There is no more love
    between Elijah and I. Please, separate us," Temitope said..

    Feel free to visit my weblog ... Yohaig

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