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  • nationalgeographic.comJAMB Registrar, Prof.
    Is-haq Oloyede, disclosed this at this year’s meeting
    on Admissions Exercise for the Innovative Enterprise Institutions
    in Abuja.
    He said any admissions done under the table would henceforth not be regularised and warned candidates and tertiary institutions to
    desist from engaging in illegal admissions.

    His words: Illegal admissions have been rampant in the country’s institutions
    of higher learning and we are saying part of our effort is to ensure that we
    put a stop to it.

    "Illegal admissions in terms of students not even taking the unified tertiary matriculation examination (UTME) at all not to talk of scoring zero.Illegal admission by admitting candidates who do not have the requisite ordinary level (O level) because before now, JAMB does not have the record of their O levels."

    He noted that the board would henceforth demand for the records of ordinary
    and advanced level results of candidates recommended
    by tertiary institutions before offering them admissions.Oloyede insisted that institutions of higher learning must maintain the standards
    set by JAMB beginning from this year’s admission.

    "From this year on, we will be demanding O levels records of the candidates institutions will be admitting for the first time."When you recommend a person for admission, we want to
    see what qualifications he or she possess and not just
    telling us that he or she scored 300 in UTME. What of the
    real qualification?"It used to be left to the discretion of the institutions, but we are saying the standard must be maintained," he added.

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