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  • MilesMerry


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  • African National Congress (ANC) MP Makhosi Khoza, a strident critic of scandal-plagued
    President Jacob Zuma, quit South Africa’s ruling party
    on Thursday, labelling Nelson Mandela’s 105-year-old
    liberation movement "alien and corrupt".

    economist.comThe 47-year-old Zulu linguistics expert,
    an ANC supporter since the age of 12, denounced Zuma in July as a "dishonourable and disgraceful leader" due to the litany of
    scandals he has attracted during his eight years in power.

    Her comments earned her death threats and a provincial party disciplinary hearing, but Khoza
    said she was not prepared to sit around and wait for its verdict,
    saying the decision to go after her, and not Zuma, was the final straw.

    "Why haven’t we charged Zuma? Why are we charging Makhosi Khoza? We are making a mockery of the rule of law. We are making a mockery of the ANC constitution," Khoza said in an interview on the
    SABC, the state broadcaster.

    "Charge Zuma. Fire Zuma from the ANC, then I will know that you are serious about self-correcting." Khoza is
    believed to have been one of around 30 ANC members of parliament who voted against Zuma
    in an ultimately unsuccessful Aug. 8 parliamentary no-confidence vote conducted by secret ballot.

    The ANC was not immediately available for comment. The most serious
    allegations against Zuma relate to his friendship with the Guptas, a family of Indian-born businessmen accused of using political influence to secure lucrative contracts with state-run companies.

    my blog :: Yohaig

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