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  • President Muhammadu Buhari in Guangzhou, China said his government would
    take urgent steps to restructure Nigeria’s
    economy by supporting new investments in mining, agriculture and manufacturing.

    The President, who stated this at a reception in his honour said Nigeria would welcome the support of
    foreign investors, the Chinese government and local companies
    for attempts to diversify the state’s economy.

    A statement issued in Abuja by his Senior
    Special Assistant on Media and Marketing, Mallam Garba Shehu, quoted the President as saying the diversification of the Nigerian market was long overdue, as continued reliance on crude oil exports had constantly made the economy vulnerable to shocks.

    "This time we shall be more deliberate. The government and businesses will be entailed," Buhari said.
    In his comments, the Secretary of the Communist
    Party, who's also the Governor of the Guangdong Province,
    Mr. Hu Chinhua, pledged that the area would support the execution of all the bilateral agreements reached with the Chinese government during Buhari’s visit.

    The statement added that Buhari also visited the Sino-Singapore Knowledge
    City in Guangzhou, "which showcases advancements by China in technological and medical, science innovations."

    The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported Shehu as saying the President has
    expressed satisfaction with the results of his working visit to China, which he said given additional investments to Nigeria exceeding $6billion.

    Buhari said the several arrangements concluded with the Chinese would have a tremendous and positive impact on key sectors of the Nigerian economy, including agriculture, solid minerals, power, housing
    and rail transportation.

    "In the power sector, North South Power Company Limited and Sinohydro Corporation Limited signed an agreement valued at $478,657,941.28 million for the building of 300 megawatts solar power in Shiriro, Niger State."

    In the solid minerals sector, Shanghai Shibang and Granite and
    Marble Nigeria Limited signed an agreement valued at 55 million dollars for
    the building and equipping of granite mining plant in Nigeria."

    According to the statement, a total of $1billion would be to be invested in the development of a greenfield expressway for Abuja-Ibadan-Lagos under an arrangement reached by the Infrastructure Bank and Sinohydro Corporation Limited.

    Other arrangements declared and signed during the visit, based on the statement, include a $1billion facility for the establishment of a Hi-tech industrial park in Ogun-Guangdong Free Trade Zone in Igbesa, Ogun State.

    The statement said that the Ogun-Guangdong Free Trade Zone and CNG (Nigeria) Investment Limited additionally signed an agreement valued at 200million dollars for the construction of two 500MT/day float petrol facilities.

    It further stated that the agreement, valued at downstream industrial park in Kogi State and $363 million for the establishment of a comprehensive farm was also declared at the Nigeria-China business forum.

    Additionally, agreements experiencing dialogues comprise a $500 million project for a $25 million facility for creation and the provision of television broadcast equipment of prepaid smart meters between Microstar Company Limited and Mojec International Limited.

    In accordance with the statement, 300 Chinese companies and about 100 Nigerian businesses participated in the Nigeria-China business forum, which took place a day after his v isit was begun by Buhari .

    Maria Brewer, Deputy Chief of Mission, United State embassy in Nigeria, on Friday said Curve International, an U.S. firm, was targeting 2, 000 jobs for Nigerian women in the next five years.

    [img][/url][url=[/img]Lagos-State-refuse-dumpBrewer said the enterprise was a franchise of a, and made the disclosure at the launching of a fitness centre possessed by the firm at Zone E, Apo Legislative Quarters, Abuja

    She said "Curve Fitness Centre in Abuja creates the opportunity
    to strengthen a brand new fitness franchise business in Nigeria and to promote
    female fitness and wellness"

    She said that the centre which began in Lagos would be targeting to open about 200 additional centers across the country.

    According to the envoy, the fitness centre established by the business has 7,000 factory outlets in 94 countries of the world.

    She identified balanced diet, personal hygiene and wholesome lifestyle that was great for longevity of life as panacea.

    Guest Speaker at the affair, Pastor Tunde Bakare, lauded the initiative of the company for establishing such centre in Abuja.

    He urged Nigerians to be more creative about what they could increase the world’s market and think apart from population.

    Before, Operations Supervisor of the center, Mrs Peace Elimimian, had expressed optimism the center would influence on the lives of girls.

    She advocated women, irrespective of age, to tap into the huge health benefits of the center.

    Mr Ekpo Nta, Chairman Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), has said that Nigerians must resolve to reduce corruption to the barest minimum by eschewing and acting against it.

    The course which was initiated eight years ago by NIPSS is directed at creating a crucial means of getting technocrats involved in policy making for national development.

    He said that the menace was a global phenomenon which had not been restricted to Nigeria.

    According to him, corruption is more common where there is poor value orientation, bad governance and systemic failure.

    He said that though public awareness was that the commission was simply engaged in prosecuting corrupt government officials because of the sentiments it was focusing on other corrupt practices.

    These, he said, included land management in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and the observation and execution of specific government policies.

    He said that ICPC was collaborating with the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in some of the duties.

    Nta said that the commission was currently investigation a state where public capital have been transferred into three different bank accounts, adding the details would be made public in due time.

    He further said the commission had so far recovered billions of naira in forfeited and cash assets, stressing that it was also conducting study that was systemic in some states in some universities.

    He said the measure followed reported cases of student harassment in some universities in the state.

    Nta included that ICPC was also reviewing the country’s primary health care process in collaboration to address its decay through the years.

    He stressed that it was regrettable as the legislations seemed to not be helping the dilemmas that it still remained.

    The ICPC boss, consequently, called to review corruption laws in the country to ensure greater operation, efficiency and deterrence.

    He also said that inadequate protection of whistleblowers and hazards to officials were some other challenges facing the commission.

    The Breaking Naija News 29th January 2017 Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the course participants were drawn from the military, the Authorities and other government agencies.

    The 21st session of the course focused on corruption in the country and the indices driving it.

    [img][/img]In a statement issued in Abuja on Saturday, the observation was made by Adeosun at the continuing Spring Meetings of the IMF-World Bank to why the government has refused to apply for IMF loans.

    Signed by the Special Adviser to the Minister on Media, Mr. Festus Akanbi, the statement said the minister expressed optimism that sound fiscal policies and investments would boost Nigeria’s market by 2017.

    The statement quoted the minister as saying by implementing fiscal policies to steer the country back on track for stable growth with a diversified economy that Nigeria was adapting to its new realities.

    Adeosun insisted because authorities was already implementing a "cocktail of measures
    to address the dilemma that what the nation was passing through was not

    "Nigeria is not sick. The real susceptibility in the Nigerian economy is over-dependence on a single source of earnings; petroleum.

    "We have resolved to develop resilience into the
    country’s market to hedge against future oil shocks.
    This is because reliance on oil brings about vulnerability and laziness.

    "So, we are doing a mix of things to diversify our market, with sales mobilisation to empower sufficient investment in developing the non-oil sectors.

    Adeosun said with a really diversified market the government would have empowered chances for wealth creation that would have flown down to every Nigerian.

    The compelling business case in Nigeria is that the fundamentals remain very strong, a teaming, youthful growing population, rich in resources and with a government determined to eventually get it right.

    The wonderful thing is that long term investors understand the difference between short term and long term problems and recognise this and the case for Nigeria gets one to plan for the longer term chances,’’ the statement quoted her as saying.

    Fayose urges China to not allow Nigeria’s $2b loan

    The Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, has written to the Chinese government seeking the stoppage of the $2 billion loan being sought by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

    President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to China this week was to discuss the development of the state’s infrastructure.

    But Fayose said in his letter to President Xi Jinping of China: "The government
    of China should be aware of the fact that Nigerians, irrespective of their political and spiritual affiliations, are
    completely opposed to increment of the state’s debt burden, which can be already being serviced with 25 per cent of the Federal Government
    annual budget."

    In the letter dated April 12, 2016, with reference number: EK/GOV/28/10, addressed to President Jinping and given by Fayose’s Chief of Staff, Mr. Dipo Anisulowo, in Abuja yesterday through the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Gu Xiaojie, the governor said some of the jobs for which the loan was being sought weren't recorded in the contentious 2016 budget, which has been sent to President Buhari by the National Assembly for his assent.

    The letter reads in part: "I write as among the
    major stakeholders in the project Nigeria, and a governor of
    certainly one of the federating units making up Nigeria,
    to draw your attention to report the Federal Government
    of Nigeria is on the verge of getting a $2 billion loan in the Export-Import Bank
    of China.

    "This $2 billion loan a part of the N1.84 trillion the Federal Government of Nigeria has proposed to borrow to fund the 2016 budget, which is not yet been signed by the President, Muhammadu Buhari, owing to unending controversies between the Executive and Legislative arms of authorities."

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